Monday, March 24, 2008

Beauty = Sacred made visible

new faces

new horses and owls

first peek

Kiln is open now. I'm so happy looking down into the kiln. I love all the new faces looking up at me. Still too hot to I'll put my camera down into the kiln and look around.....


KILN Opening today, Monday March 24th. This afternoon as soon as the kiln cools down I'll take out the glazed pieces that I've been working on this week. These are the pieces that came out of the bisque / first firing last week. I will select a few to put onto my Etsy site.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

transformation by FIRE

....the soft clay which dried for a week or more, was then the fired inside the kiln.... transformed from "green" clay which if very brittle and fragile into a rock solid ready for the next step... application of glaze/colors.....tune in next week to see the results... finished pieces can be seen at my ESTY shop. follow the blue link at the right side of this page to love this new kiln.. works great, just like the bigger one. with this smaller one i can do my glaze tests...and much more work!

i never know what i'll find

this time, no explosions happened@! everybody looks happy....the large horse in the center is the horse that you can see being made in previous posts. the clay, which is dark brown when wet is now a terra cotta color in it's fired state.

kiln opening

first peep....looks good

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kiln OPENING tomorrow

first load in the new kiln today. 10 owls and about that many horses. tomorrow at this time they will be cool enough to take out. this is a bisque firing, which is the first of two firings. when the pieces come out tomorrow they will be ready to be painted with glaze. then they go back into the fire for the glaze firing. i'll take some pictures.

10 am (Eastern Time)

Sunday, March 9, 2008


******* bEautY is the sAcrEd made visiBle**********

here's what i know about the sacred. the sacred is all around me and within me in every moment. i can choose to experience the sACRED anytime, all the time. i'm in the process of remembering that all i have to do is be conscious and choose to see the Dream of Love in this moment. it's like there are two universes side by side. One is Love and the other is Fear. (We all know the fear based world. It's expressed everywhere in the mainstream culture.) And i know that i do choose one or the other all the time, in every moment. When i create artwork, i am choosing to participate in the energy of the sacred, ie the Dream of Love. I am choosing to make that visible. It is an energetic assertion that creates healing inside and out. I pray that you can feel that when you look my artwork.

new horses

I've been busy making lots of horses lately. A herd of horses are prancing around the studio, manes blowing in the wind, looking with spirit eyes into the moment, feeling joy, kicking up their heels. Horse energy is important to power animal. This is an energy that i access to remember my power, my essence. In making these horse sculptures, i i feel when i am centered in the moment, feeling the Dream of Love and Power... supporting... all around me. I am the Dream of Love, creating my life with every choice that i make. Just like creating an artwork, feeling the joy in the moment and choosing from my heart.
In the next week I intend to have enough pieces to fill and fire the kiln. More on this later.