Sunday, March 9, 2008


******* bEautY is the sAcrEd made visiBle**********

here's what i know about the sacred. the sacred is all around me and within me in every moment. i can choose to experience the sACRED anytime, all the time. i'm in the process of remembering that all i have to do is be conscious and choose to see the Dream of Love in this moment. it's like there are two universes side by side. One is Love and the other is Fear. (We all know the fear based world. It's expressed everywhere in the mainstream culture.) And i know that i do choose one or the other all the time, in every moment. When i create artwork, i am choosing to participate in the energy of the sacred, ie the Dream of Love. I am choosing to make that visible. It is an energetic assertion that creates healing inside and out. I pray that you can feel that when you look my artwork.

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